Earn passive income and interest by leveraging your own real estate or loaning money on real estate, just like a bank; except easier, because you don’t have to actually be a bank.
Private Money Lender
Private Money Lendingfor Real Estate for is for investors looking for better ways to grow their money than where it’s at now by lending on low risk, high reward real estate transactions, typically short term. Read more about being a Private Money Lender with Real Property Hero here.
Seller Financing
You hold the power of being just like the bank. Do you like Mailbox money? aka monthly wire transfers? Leverage the selling of your real estate with Seller Financing and realize way more profit and tax savings than a traditional bank sale. Creative financing with Sellers should be way more popular; if only sellers really knew the ease, profit, and tax benefits. Do not sleep on this financial retirement plan. Learn more about Seller financing with Real Property Hero here.